124 research outputs found

    Epistemología del periodismo móvil: Artículo de revisión

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    The fast and global way which has characterized the presence of mobile phones in society has sparked the interest of several sectors of activity, including journalism. From the early stages of production to distribution, and then through the characteristics of content and consumption patterns, numerous changes have been introduced by these mobile devices in an activity that has been undergoing one of the most uncertain moments in its long history. This uncertainty has stemmed from the decrease in income which was caused by the emergence of new competitors, such as the online press and social networks. This bibliographic review aims at identifying the changes caused by smartphones in the production distribution and consumption of news, analyzing its effect on the epistemology of journalism. We attempt to ascertain if the increasing influence of mobile technologies in the journalistic activity has changed its nature, improving the production of knowledge. Upon closer reading of the bibliography, it can be concluded that the versatility of mobile devices has facilitated a set of new possibilities not only for journalists, namely more autonomy and a reduction in the time spent between the event and the publication, but also for consumers, who can do a mobile and personalized consumption on their screens. Due to its ability to continuously adapt to the rhythm of contemporary society, mobile journalism has become more universal and has been confirmed as a form of knowledge insofar as it responds more effectively to consumers’ expectations, in particular young people’s, who are moving away from journalism and thus prevent the generational renewal of readers, something which is fundamental for the media business model.La forma rápida y global en que los teléfonos móviles se han establecido en la sociedad ha despertado el interés de diversos sectores de actividad, incluido el periodismo. Desde la producción hasta la distribución, pasando por las características del contenido y los tipos de consumo, son muchos los cambios que introducen estos dispositivos móviles en una actividad, el periodismo, que está experimentando uno de los momentos más inciertos de su larga historia debido a la disminución de ingresos motivada por la aparición de nueva competencia, como la prensa online y las redes sociales. En este trabajo se hace una revisión bibliográfica para identificar los cambios causados por los dispositivos móviles en el proceso de producción, distribución y consumo de noticias, analizando su efecto en la epistemología del periodismo. Tratamos de saber si la creciente influencia de las tecnologías móviles en la actividad periodística ha cambiado su naturaleza al mejorar el proceso de producción de conocimiento. Desde la bibliografía se puede concluir que la versatilidad de los dispositivos móviles ha facilitado un conjunto de nuevas posibilidades para los periodistas, como más autonomía y la disminución del tiempo acontecimiento/publicación, pero también para los consumidores, que tienen ahora la posibilidad de hacer un consumo móvil y personalizado en sus pantallas. Por su capacidad de adaptación al ritmo de la sociedad contemporánea, se considera que el periodismo móvil gana universalidad y se afirma como una forma de conocimiento al responder de un modo más eficaz a las expectativas de los consumidores, en particular de los jóvenes, que se están apartando de la prensa y de esa forma impiden la renovación generacional de lectores, algo fundamental para las empresas de comunicación.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Political blogs in Portugal: has the device created new actors?

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    During a short span of time, weblogs (or blogs) have moved from a simple computer application, to an important communication device. In teaching, literature, science and politics the use of blogs has increased rapidly due to two simultaneous characteristics: low cost and easy use. Blogs establish privileged relationships with others that deal with the same themes, creating small webs of interests. One of the more interesting communities is the one related to current politics, which is largely produced by people unknown to the traditional media. This paper aims to understand if the blogsphere is creating new social players and what are the motives that lead to the creationof a political blog

    The news on webjournalism: a reading on image and architecture of information

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    To speak of webjournalism is to speak of a journalistic practice, which demands of its profession new skills and proficiency. The need for these skill results from the adoption of a new base-language – what I call an intelligent text – because it includes word, sound, images and hyperlinks. The incorporation of these elements in the text raises some questions related to the reading possibilities of a text with these characteristics. Knowing that reading implies a comprehensive effort and an effort towards comprehension and incorporation, it is necessary to identify an architecture applicable to news written according to a writing model and which grows distant from the linear schemes composed by graphic elements of the same family, be they characters or images. This paper aims to understand the influence that the introduction of non-verbal elements, and various levels of readings may have in the process of understanding a new system

    Artificial Intelligence and Journalism: Current Situation and Expectations in the Portuguese Sports Media

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    With an important presence in various sectors of activity, Artificial Intelligence has also reached journalism, mostly in the field of natural-language processing, in the detection of informational trends or in the automatic production of texts. The fact that sport is one of the first to test AI is not a coincidence: it is a subject in which there is a lot of information online and where data is essential, so it is simpler to resort to natural language processing to transform them in texts with little or no human intervention; this work sought to understand if Artificial Intelligence is already used in Portuguese sports media, but also in mainstream media sports sections, whether they are newspapers, radios, TVs or online natives. A survey was sent only to decision-makers, that is, editors and coordinators. The study seeks to understand to what extent journalists expect AI to help journalism, what are the greatest difficulties of its use and what threats it represents. We can conclude that Portuguese sports journalism is aware of the potential of AI, although for now it is not used in newsrooms due to economic and professional constraints.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El periodismo en los tiempos de un nuevo ecosistema mediático: propuestas para la enseñanza superior

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    El periodismo vive uno de los períodos más difíciles de su historia. La crisis económica es la causa más visible de esta situación, si bien emergencia de los periódicos online, el consumo móvil y la competencia de nuevos productores y distribuidores de información, son igualmente factores que explican este escenario. Este ecosistema mediático líquido (Bauman, 2007), resultado de la convergencia, ha generado nuevas profesiones dentro del periodismo y, por ello, exige cambios en la formación de los periodistas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar que nuevas actividades periodísticas hay que desarrollar en las redacciones y qué tipo de nuevas materias deberían de ser enseñadas en las escuelas de periodism

    Contextualization in Hypermedia news report: narrative and immersion

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    The mobile journalism and, particularly, hypermedia stories get new possibilities for making narratives, boosted by the mobility itself, and also by the use of touchable screens, accelerometer, GPS receiver and permanent connection to the internet. Due to these potentials, tablets, smartphones and wearables reconfigure processes and journalistic narratives for the web. From this premise, the article focuses the research in hypermedia storytelling for mobile devices, aiming to observe how the hypertext resources are used in the contextualization of journalistic narratives published at mobile devices (tablets and smartphones). To achieve this aim, we realized a systematic analysis from newspaper editions of Globo A Mais journal for two months. This was done by selecting a case exemplifying the way the hypertext features can serve the contextualization

    Jornalismo móvel e Realidade Aumentada: o contexto na palma da mão

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    O aparecimento de novos dispositivos móveis de comunicação, como os smartphones e os tablets, está a mudar a forma como nos relacionamos com as notícias. O acesso à informação a partir destes dispositivos tem todas as vantagens oferecidas pelos webjornais e permite ainda efetuar um consumo mais personalizado. Às óbvias vantagens decorrentes deste uso individual podemos ainda juntar o potencial de algumas tecnologias incluídas nos dispositivos, como o recetor de GPS, o acelerómetro ou as câmaras de vídeo. Estas tecnologias permitem enriquecer os conteúdos noticiosos e um bom exemplo disso é a Realidade Aumentada (RA): a hipótese de colocar camadas de informação virtual sobre imagens reais captadas no momento é uma oportunidade para enriquecer as notícias com uma contextualização que pode ser continuamente atualizada. Neste trabalho procura-se explicar o que é a RA e que importância pode ter para o jornalismo móvel.The emergence of new mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are changing how we interact with news. Accessing information from these devices has all the advantages off ered by newspapers on the web, also allowing more personalized consumption. Apart from the obvious advantages of using this type of individual handsets, now they sum up the possibility of enjoying technical features such as GPS receiver, accelerometer or video cameras embedded in those devices. These technologies could enrich the news contents and a good example of this potential is the Augmented Reality (AR): the possibility of placing layers of virtual information on real images captured at the moment is an opportunity to enrich the news with a contextualization that can be continuously updated. This paper seeks to explain the role of AR on mobile journalism

    A Comunicação Política na Era da Internet

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    Os sistemas político e mediático têm um percurso comum pautado por interesses divergentes. Se os políticos encontram nos media a forma mais eficaz para chegarem aos cidadãos, os media procuram na política os acontecimentos que interessam às audiências, o que por vezes contraria os interesses dos políticos. Neste jogo de equilíbrios, políticos e media tentam retirar mais-valias da relação. Os políticos pretendem fazer chegar uma determinada mensagem ao público, procurando formas de anular ou reduzir a interferência do jornalismo no conteúdo. Porém, a mensagem tem de passar por um processo de selecção e codificação assente em valores jornalísticos que tendem a retirar à mensagem inicial parte da sua carga persuasiva. Nesta negociação entre interesses, princípios e objectivos, surge naturalmente o conflito, com ambas as partes a procurarem formas de reduzir a dependência mútua

    CONTEÚDOS VIRAIS NO FACEBOOK: estudo de caso na pré-campanha das eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2018

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    Neste trabalho coletamos e analisamos conteúdos manipulados com o objetivo de se tornarem virais no Facebook e, dessa forma, influenciarem a opinião pública durante o período pré-eleitoral no Brasil. Ao longo de 2017, foram recolhidos os posts de 10 páginas do Facebook de organizações brasileiras conotadas com a produção de notícias falsas ou manipuladas, tendo sido selecionadas 50 publicações que correspondem às mais partilhadas em cada uma das páginas. Os resultados permitem verificar que os posts com mais compartilhamento têm algumas características comuns em três quesitos: formato de conteúdo, estratégia de linguagem e fonte de informação. Foram também identificados em textos, vídeos e fotografias, formatos habitualmente usados com esta finalidade de propagação, o recurso às frases de impacto, a utilização descontextualizada de figuras públicas comentando fatos políticos e a abordagem sensacionalista

    Eusébio: the construction of a hero in the press

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    El traslado del cuerpo del jugador Eusébio al Panteón Nacional generó polémica en Portugal. Se discutía si un futbolista debería estar en el Panteón, un lugar reservado a los héroes nacionales. El héroe es alguien que vive la mayor parte del tiempo como los demás, pero que en determinadas condiciones se irgue a la posición de semidiós (Rubio, 2001). En este momento gana el derecho a reposar en un espacio reservado a todos (pan) los dioses (theos). ¿Pero cómo se transforma un jugador de fútbol en un dios del césped, un héroe deportivo? Por sus acciones, evidentemente, pero sobre todo por la forma como los medios de comunicación relatan al público sus hazañas. En el momento de la muerte de Eusébio, enero de 2014, la historia del jugador ha sido recuperada por los medios de comunicación. Se presentó así una excelente ocasión para estudiar la forma como se ha reconstruido la imagen de un jugador de nivel mundial cuya carrera ocurrió cuando el fútbol no tenía la mediatización actual. En el trabajo se estudian las noticias de prensa publicadas en el día siguiente a su muerte. La hipótesis es que, en situaciones como esta, los periódicos buscan contextualizar semánticamente el fenómeno deportivo en un escenario mítico. Con recurso al análisis de contenidos se buscaron marcas de la construcción del héroe en un estudio cuantitativo (repetición de palabras asociadas al universo mítico) y cualitativo (formas discursivas para exaltar el héroe).The translation of the football player Eusébio’s body to the National Pantheon was quite controversial in Portugal. The discussion was based on the correctness of having a football player buried in the Pantheon, a place reserved for national heroes. A hero is someone who lives most of the time as the others, but in certain conditions stands to a position of demigod (Rubio, 2001). From that moment, it earns the right to sit in a space reserved for all (pan) gods (theos). But how does a football player becomes a god, a sports hero? For his actions, obviously, but mainly by how the media tells the public his exploits. At the time of Eusébio’s death, January 2014 his history had been recovered by the media. Thus an excellent opportunity was presented to study the way journalism has reconstructed the image of a global player whose career was played when football had not the current media coverage. This work studies the news releases published on the day after his death. The hypothesis is that newspapers seek to contextualize semantically the sports phenomenon in a mythological scene. Using content analysis methodology, we tried to find examples of the hero’s construction in a quantitative (repetition of words associated with the universe of the hero) and qualitative (discourse to exalt the character) analysis